Thursday, May 14, 2009

If Again... Yet No More...

Tomorrow we leave for Indianapolis. We are excited to make the trip and to be with a long time friend on his wedding day. Even in my excitement to go back to one of my many hometowns, I have a bit of a question or notion that this trip will also carry with it disenchantment. There is such the tendency in humanity to memorialize the past and leave out everything the past lacked - as the discontented humans we are and can be.

I wonder how many of my fond memories of today will be put in their proper context of yesterday? Was it actually as great as I recall it to be? As adults going back to once enormous play-places we find them now oddly small. Being just as human then as now, however, the struggles I had then are the same as the struggles I have today yet something makes us long for times ago. Although, then I had more slimmer spiritual-maturity-material working within me than I do now, we still long for those days.

I go back now ten years later, beautifully married and with four children. I go back changed by time and turmoil, but with also wisdom that God has continued to give me each day since as I further learn to trust Him. I too must think of those days fondly as I was an adventurous adolescent always venturing some romance or its woes. Emotionally, it was a charged time vibrant with an energy of expectancy of what may come of this life. Now I meet those places of my adolescence with a bit of the curtain unfurled and a sort of settled knowing of how things I once wondered did become. I do not return as a teen but as a thirty-something with whom a bit of the magic of what could be removed by what actually is.


  1. Is it actually as great as you recall it to be? Of course, it's Indy baby! Yeah...probably not. I understand these feelings all too well. Going "home" again is usually depressing for me...of course my first hometown of Kokomo has really bottomed out as jobs have left and the economy has declined to epic proportions for the small town(K-town made the Forbes short list for most depressed economies in the nation). But, I've had the same feelings with other "hometowns," where I went to college and where I went to graduate school. They are never quite the same after you leave. I know I'm not going to miss Michigan when we eventually leave :) Hopefully the journey to Indiana will be off the old stomping grounds to the family and enjoy old friends. Hope you trip is fun and safe.

  2. @Ryan: Thanks for your comments and we just got back from Indy last night. I'll blog on the experience a little later. Keep an eye out on it... it was great to see Nate after all these years! Later-
