Thursday, July 3, 2008

Humanity's Insatiable Dilemma

When will humanity ever be satisfied? At what point will we all one day look around at all that we have and finally say, “Enough…. There, I have enough. I’m filled and satisfied; I lack nothing.”

This will never happen so as long as humanity lives by its own devices. As long as people still live by insatiable desires and by allowing those insatiable desires to dictate, or even a little more gently, motivate our passions then humanity will maintain it’s pursuit of everything “self”. The dilemma becomes our desire without limits vs. our limited ability to fulfill those desires fully creating this devoid-ed self-centered desire to fulfill that which cannot be satisfied. It’s the dragon swallowing its tail theory (which I’m to write about later…). We can’t fully consume what we want, which in it’s fundamental nature is ourselves. To completely fulfill “self” would be to consume self, leaving us destroyed by our own appetites.

Man’s heart is wicked through and through. Its passions unbridled are the very destruction of self and destruction of others as a means to obtain the satisfaction so passionately craved yet unable to fulfill.

Humanity by default, through disobedience (which is its passions lived full without regard for any other but self), is now at a sub-level of intended existence. Humanity was fully created to exist at a level we’ve never fathomed except in fairy tale. The level of existence intended for mankind is of such higher existence that to merely believe in the possibility of that type of humanity or that humanity had been created as such is considered by all human standards foolishness. This categorizing of such an existence as foolish is ipso-facto proof of humanity’s degraded existence.

What then is the cure for man’s selfish wantings and selfish consumptions? Only the Self-less One who came in the twisted and vexed form of humanity, this sub-level humanity, to destroy in Himself for all times the sub-human level of existence that humanity has been bound by through it’s duration after the garden fall. It has been destroyed by His being destroyed. The power over such an existence was won by His resurrection. He exuded power over that which man is powerless.

Humanity and its insatiable desires can be sustained now through the One destroyed and raised. He alone is fulfillment, bringing humanity into perpetual peace in a world consumed and at war with itself.


  1. They once asked J Paul Getty how much money money was enough. At the time he was the wealthiest man alive. His comment? "Just a little more."

    I know that built into man is the desire to worship and to experience fulfillment. I wonder if our sin-nature still actually tries to fulfill those desires. Because the only answer to true worship and complete fulfillment lie in Christ, when man makes no connect with Christ he must find the only other path available. Worship and fulfill self.

    Isn't the pretty much the bottom line of humanism?

  2. Selfish desire for material things is truly a sin, but without man's insatiable desire for knowledge, we would still be living in caves drawing on the walls.
    The desire to invent, to improve our lives, to master our environment, to explore space,....these are all desires for more that make us what we are today. So not all desires are evil and bad. And God obviously put these desires in our hearts, so you could also argue, in God's infinite wisdom, why would he give us desires we would only have to fight to be without sin?

  3. i think there is a difference from being led by GOD and having our own desires. but not to say our own desires are sinful. lets talk about money (this is one of the subjects people have prolems with when it comes to desire)
    when it comes to having the desire to make more money to provide for your family-i see nothing wrong with that(faith without works is dead!!!) but i think where the problems comes in is when you receive what you have desired and you change as a person.......but having multiple desires i see nothing wrong with as long as you are letting GOD guide your steps in EVERYTHING YOU DO...

  4. Lest you forget, God made man perfect and fellowship with the Lord is what fulfilled him. It was only when sin was introduced into man’s heart that he could no longer be fulfilled and brought corruption upon the earth. It is abundantly clear that man can only be truly satisfied by first acknowledging his sinfulness and allowing Jesus to show him the way, then and only then can man feel peace within. Man will not be judged on his materialistic accomplishments, explorations, inventiveness, or any other self gratifying accomplishments but only buy his good works will he be rewarded. Don’t be fooled by mans desire of worldly things and knowledge of it as being Gods will or part of His plan. Man cannot even master his own life, much less his environment, only the creator can. If you want to improve life, know Jesus. I agree that we are driven by the need to provide for our families but at what point does it become excessive and greedy? If you have more than you need, do you then reach out to help others that are less fortunate or does it make you want more? If you have what you think is just enough to get by, do you still feel the desire to reach out and help those less fortunate? Nothing I have makes me a better person but I have nothing without salvation.
