Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"She..." Series "Great Mate" Intro to Session Three: "I Am Woman"

Tonight I begin session three in our series, “Great Mate.” We will be looking at the role of women tonight! Just for this occasion, I had my lovely wife sit in with me while I studied for this session and give valuable input on her fellow gender... Because when it comes to women, they are a great mystery…

So complex, yet simple… a paradox yet every part of her being a complimentary whole. She is strong and aggressive but as gentle and fragile as silk thread. Beauty unparalleled, curved and sculpted by the same hands whose beautiful works have been emulated in many a painting through the centuries yet never duplicated in splendor nor in wonder.

It’s the female bear so greatly feared when a hunter crosses paths with an unattended cub.

She comes with a warning, “Better to live in the corner of a rooftop than in a large house with a brawling woman!” Anger and passion, quiet and gentle; a force to be reckoned with... who can understand the depths of a woman’s heart? Tears given to her to break the most stubborn heart, yet a smile so warm to cure any a world’s disappointments. Statuesque and sassy, yet the warmth of an intimate embrace is the opium of the man.

She is a truth serum making the strongest of men malleable putty in her hands. The force of strength… the spine she is to any man deemed Great. She is behind the scenes quietly making things happen or behind the lectern stealing the show. She has the wiles to ignite a mighty nation’s political parties; both favorably and unfavorably, but it is she the sparking igniter. Craved and lauded yet pushed down by masculine fears.

Men will beat bloody fists against each other for only the hopes of attracting her attention. Men will aspire to poetry and painting to try to encompass her beauty yet poems and paintings cannot express gentle kisses given from her passion nor tightly held embraces. Paintings and poetry become blind and deaf in her shadow. She is graceful and clumsy and makes both beautiful. Man will leave the security of father and mother and will sweat and toil to provide her the same security and shelter he abandoned. He will break his back to be able to place on her neck costly pearls and diamonds both of which she will make their beauty fail against the backdrop of her simple neck.

She is created in His image the same from the rib of man, and man will pursue with all his power and striving to have her remain by his side. Who can explain and understand fully who she is? She is woman… she is beautiful mystery… She…

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