Thursday, April 30, 2009

God's Warning Over Easy... Sunny Side Up...

It's becoming ever so apparent that the church wants God to speak to us. We want to hear His voice... we just want Him to say what we want. We want a puppet god on strings.

We want to hear the voice of the Lord as long as He is telling us what we want to hear. As long as He is making us prosper, as long as our material things are protected and He promises to keep us just as we are, then, yes! of course we want to hear from Him.

Who wouldn't, right?

The problem that arises is when God speaks to the church and it's a message we wish not to hear. When God speaks through pastors and prophets words that are NOT smooth or sweet, then we turn deaf ears.

We want a god with a message that fits perfectly into the play lists of our iPods - something we can pull up and listen to while we work out. We want a message that pumps us up and doesn't make us want to flee from sin. We want His message, we just want it "over easy, sunny side up..." - just the way we like it.

God's Spirit is moving and warning the church that judgment is about to take place. At our church this past Sunday, God spoke a terrible message to the congregation that dealt with our inability to really hear His message. We hear it, but we don't really believe it.

God is speaking and He is warning those that will listen - and those who will not - that He is about to move in calamity over this nation. We are going to see a disruption to our way of life... no, we are going to see the end of our way of life and see it very nearly. But, we would rather rush on about through our day as though the storms are not really approaching. What we want is for God to say, "Ah, forget it... I'm too apathetic to really do what I intended to do. You guys can keep living it up in your sinful self-worship services on Sunday. Ah, forget it... the rich can keep profiting from the poor. I'll turn a blind eye to your wickedness." That's what we really want, right? Well, that's not what we say out loud, but that's what we really want.

Where is our hunger for justice and righteousness? We don't have a hunger for these things! We crave the gods of this world. We are starving for the gods of this world to visit us in further prosperity and peace, so that we can forget our Creator.

God has posted the warning signs. Can the church read? Can we heed the warnings from our loving God? Really only time will tell.

"And, yes, I'll have God's warning over easy, sunny side up. Oh, and can you bring milk with that?"

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