Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Only Road to Peace is to Establish a Terrorist State, by President Barack Obama

In an AP article today entitled, "Arabs Cheer Obama Speech to Muslim World," we get a look at President Obama's idea of what it takes to bring peace to the middle east, all the while alienating and further infuriating our closest mid-east ally Israel.

In President Obama's Ankara Address in Turkey, according to the AP story we are told that the only means of reconciliation is to create a terrorist state.
[Obama] said, "the sole bridge toward reconciliation is a Palestinian state."
Now what exactly is a Palestinian state? A better question might be, what is a Palestinian? Oh, how quickly we forget our history. After World War II and the atrocity of the Nazi Holocaust was uncovered in all it's hideousness - in 1948 - the modern Nation of Israel was created. What was a British owned territory at the time was designated to be this new nation. Jews began to come to this barren land and till the desert. What had been barren wasteland of nomads would soon become a flourishing green oasis in a seemingly God-forsaken desert. Another territory was formed. For all the Arabs who lived in the region they were given the area formally known as Trans-Jordan. We now know this nation as Jordan, which would swallow up Israel in land size many times over.

There really is no such people called Palestinian. But, you say, "wait... there are two land portions inside Israel where the "Palestinians" live." Well, yes and no. We call them that, but they are really Arabs from various regions and nationalities who have settled in the Jewish state. And being the mean bully's they are, Israel allowed them to stay and grow families and communities. In Sergev Trifkovic's book, "The Sword of the Prophet," he says that one of the Muslim tactics is to take residence in an area and breed that area out. People born in that area prior to 1948 were all deemed Palestinian because it referred to a land mass and not a particular people. Christians born there were dubbed Palestinian Christians. There were also Jewish Palestinians and Muslim Palestinians.

Let's also not forget that "Palestine" is run by Hamas. A known terrorist group responsible for hurling rockets into civilian populated areas of Israel. "Palestine" is run by the same group, yes Hamas, that launched it's rockets from their own school houses and hospitals where civilians were being educated and treated. They launched from these areas to use the civilians as human shields.

So, when our president says that the only course of reconciliation is a Palestinian state, we should take notice that we are signing our own death certificates prematurely in the region. A legitimized state for terrorists who are bent on - and won't be satisfied until - Israel ceases to exist altogether.

America can keep capitulating to the whims of terrorism in the hopes of restoring order and peace, but all we are doing is further legitimizing their existence and furthering their cause.

Although our president insists we are not at war with Islam, that statement could best be restated to say we are not at war with moderate and secularized Islam. What's the difference? I'm glad you asked...

Moderate and secularized Islam are really liberal Muslims. Think of it in terms of liberal Christianity. Liberal Christianity will observe some of the holy days, but in varying forms deny the tenants of Christianity altogether. Some liberal Christians believe that Christ perhaps wasn't born of a virgin because we know that to scientifically impossible. Or, that no literal Hell really exists, or that the Bible isn't the inspired Word of God and on an on. These types of things we Bible believing Christians know cancel those liberal Christians from really being Christian despite the title they give themselves.

Moderate Muslims are the same. They observe the holidays but not the laws. They allow women to work and have jobs and basically status. No, I wouldn't say we are at war with those Muslims. However, I would also say that fundamentalist Muslims would also say that those Muslims aren't real Muslims. Just as fundamentalist Christians say the same of liberal Christians who deny the deity of Christ.

True Muslims who believe in the Quaran would have to believe it's staple belief that all the world must be Muslim. They have no basis of belief for co-existence. I am no scholar on Islam nor am I a historian, but no two nation state will ever bring peace. America's foreign policy will one day be seen, if we go down this road of legitimizing these nations, as the nail in it's coffin.

The only Hope we have is in Christ Jesus. The only Change worth anything is in Christ.

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