Friday, July 22, 2011

(un)Explainable Life...

"I don't want my life to be explainable without the Holy Spirit."   -- Francis Chan (from Forgotten God)
 Man, think of that statement for a moment... How much of my life (or your life) can be completely explained completely apart from the Holy Spirit?  Too much..., maybe nearly everything.  I don't want this to be so...

I'm not talking about breathing or the things outside of our cognizant will and pseudo-control.  The Holy Spirit provides every person the privilege of our breathing whether they believe in Him or not -- that is irrelevant. What I'm talking about are our accomplishments, hopes, dreams, aspirations, college plans, business plans, marriage plans, sermon plans, church growth plans, Friday night plans, meal plans, vacation plans, miscellaneous funds plans, offering plans, purchase plans, what-I'm-going-to-drive plans, where-I'm-going-to-work plans, what-I'll-name-my-kids plans, where-we're-going-to-church plans, where-we're-going-to-serve plans... get the picture?  All of these things are so common place to us that we give little to no thought at all what God's plans are.  Most everything we think and do are, for the most part, apart from the Holy Spirit.

What if we lived our lives in such a way that the only way people could explain the things that happened to us or through us is by the Holy Spirit?

How do we change this?  Meditate on that.  No, seriously... let's meditate on that.  Let's seek God and take inventory of everything we have, do, say or plan and give all of it up to Christ.  This is what I'm doing in my life.  It can be a slow process, but the key is giving up my "rights" to everything.  Nothing is mine or my wife's.  Not our children, cars, home, clothes, money, plans.  If the Lord is willing, we'll do this or that... if the Lord wills we will go to Illinois next week.  If the Lord wills, I will leave work at 4:30pm. 

Ordering our life around His will begins the process, through faith in Christ to guide us, in an unEXPLAINABLE LIFE.  Right now everything is pretty explainable...

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