Wednesday, March 11, 2009

News Post... "Heed Wilkerson's Warning"

Heed Wilkerson's warning
The author is a commentator for
Posted: March 10, 2009
3:02 pm Eastern © 2009

When I was a kid, I read about David Wilkerson who took to Gospel to the gangs of New York. I even saw the movie "The Cross and the Switchblade" that was made about him. Many know about that, but most don't know what happened in his church just eight years ago.

In the fall of 2001, Pastor David Wilkerson, of Times Square Church in New York City, was warned by God that a calamity was coming. For six weeks they felt an intense burden and enormous heaviness. A critical need for intercession was so profound that Pastor Wilkerson canceled everything on the church calendar – mission's conferences, youth events and every guest speaker.

For six weeks, there wasn't a sermon. Instead, there was intercession for our nation with weeping and repentance. They knew something was coming and that something was bad. And that something was soon. So they prayed. And prayed … and prayed.

[This portion of the original post has been removed due to errors in the reporting from World Net See correction article here from the commentator.]

By morning they had about 2,000 sandwiches. At 8:46 a.m. the first plane hit the World Trade Center and Times Square Church was ready to feed and minister to rescue workers and victims of our nation's worst attack.
See full article here.


  1. WOW. That is so powerful. I also read The Cross & the Switchblade when I was a young teenager {was that the name of the book too. Can't remember}. Anyway, I was PROFOUNDLY touched by that book. I've always wanted to go back and read it again.

    I never knew about this story. That is truly incredible. It's SO amazing to see how mighty God is and how specifically he can speak to those who will listen.

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. I love your site. Reading the Calamity posts.
    I think the six week praying part did happen. But I think the sandwich story was made up and is making the rounds on the internet. It makes for good story telling, but it is simply a story. If you want to verify it, call his church.

  3. Thank you for reading my blog! It's a lot to take in, I know. I didn't know how to deal with a lot of this stuff early on; I'm still not sure how to some times. I posted this from, assuming they had done their work. I will contact the church to see if they can confirm or deny this took place.

    Thank you again for stopping by. I would like to know who this is, if you don't mind. Later- Jeremy

  4. See my new post as confirmed by Times Square Church officials, as well as an article from World Net Daily.

    Thank you, "Anonymous," for pointing this out.

  5. Hi Jeremy
    Any updates on the coming calamity?
    Are you still studying after Moses?
    My husband has had dreams similar to what you are prophesying.
    Sometimes it is confusing - like why is God telling us all these things now?
    A Mom in NC - Jackie

  6. Hey, Jackie in NC!

    I would have to agree with you. It confuses me as well. I don't have anything new on this and have tried to reconcile why these dreams came, at least in my own mind. I've asked God that myself, "Why the dreams?", etc. And I don't know. It's not even been two years and this short time causes me to even question what I was once so sure of. I don't doubt God, but I do doubt my sensitivities to Him at times. This isn't to say that I now believe what I dreamed wasn't from Him, but only to say at the time of the dreams it seemed so immediate and looming. Think of Jeremiah who told of coming calamity for 39 years before anything ever transpired.

    I have resigned myself to wait upon the Lord. Not to be in fear or panic because those things stem from self reliance instead of trust in a wonderful, keeping God. Any efforts that I can perform to keep myself physically safe, I think, would negate what God would want to do with a calamitous situation. The point is to turn to Him completely and trust in Him completely and to be corrected from our ways that aren't His ways. He wants us depending upon Him and loving Him and if I can save myself from coming calamity by stock piling supplies, unless directed by Him to do so, then it might demonstrate to the world further self reliance instead of reliance upon God. Especially when the world itself is spreading the message of preparing for the "coming crash", etc. God wants us to rely on Him as the testimony of our faith in an unrelenting, faithful God that is our rock and fortress of security through the toughest of times.

    One other thing that I've thought of is that the Bible says that God takes no pleasure in wrath, so I believe that He is being patient with us allowing us further opportunities to turn to Him. He takes no pleasure in our misfortunes and would rather gather us to Himself than to put His hand to us, sort to speak. Inevitably He will do what is best for our society as a whole to bring Him glory, so in the mean time we should be making ourselves busy giving Him praise and glory and spreading His glory throughout the world.

    Thank you for your comment.
