Tuesday, September 8, 2009

President Obama's Speech to our Children...

I read the President's speech this morning after a long Labor Day weekend wondering what my two sons would be subjected to this morning. I wondered if there would be an attempt to indoctrinate my children to socialized medicine or maybe some other liberal agenda talking point that I'm opposed to and want to protect my children from.

But after having read the speech myself, there was nothing in the speech that I objected to specifically. I know many parents considered keeping their children home from school, which - let me remind everyone - is their freedom and right. I asked the question myself not knowing what was going to be discussed in the speech. Pamela and I, however talked it over and felt that this would be a good opportunity to have our children possibly exposed to ideas that we don't support and take the opportunity to teach them why those ideas aren't the best ideas. We saw this as a teaching opportunity. We sent them on to school prayerfully asking God to guide us in teaching them what is right in His sight. Also, before having read the speech I was pretty sure that President Obama wouldn't do anything too controversial given the fact that he has been embattled all summer over Obama-care, and to do something or say something controversial would ignite a firestorm of further opposition.

I encourage you to read the speech and judge for yourself in the link to the speech given above. The speech was at moments inspiring and keeps the tone very general and encourages kids across America to pursue the American dream and to get an education despite the circumstances in which they find themselves. He also ended the speech with "God bless you, and God bless America." I find that the most controversial part of the speech given the current status of God and public schools... .

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