Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ezekiel 34: 1-6 - False Pastor's Be Warned...

I wrote the following message last week and have held it until I was more certain that it could be shared. It is inspired from Ezekiel 34: 1-6 and is a warning to False-Pastors:
Destruction to you "Shepherd-Leaders" who make yourselves fat from the meat of the sheep of which you are supposed to protect! You have exploited them for too long feeding your greed and leaving them exposed as prey and vulnerable. Guess what? It's you now who I'm going to expose for the wolves you are. Guess what? It is now you who will be made vulnerable and I will be the predator that strips your skin from the bones! I will devour you with My crushing jaws and show you what it is like. You shepherds were supposed to be the protectors of my sheep, but you have become their exploiters. Not any longer! I'm putting an end to your greed. "You drink their milk, make clothes from their wool, you roast the lambs, and don't feed or protect them." Well not anymore! I am now their shepherd and will shadow over them with my protection. They will eat from grasses not trampled under your feet, but that which is lush and green and supplied by Me. I will fight off their attackers and thieves; I will care for them with My life as you should have. They will find peace and drink from cool streams. I am the Great Shepherd; no need any longer to fear little sheep, for I will gather you back into my protective fold. Sheep, my little lambs, consider yourselves rescued! My fold is safe for you unlike the folds of the murderous shepherds who think you exist for their benefit. You are My sheep. I've purchased you. These exploitative shepherds are seeing their end. I am seeing to it!
Inspired from Ezekiel 34: 1-6 (The Message)... November 13th, 2009


  1. Jeremy, Good word. I preached a message from that chapter about 4 years ago that gave me a great deal of direction of what a shepherd truly should be to His sheep. I seen 5 specific areas pointed to that we are to cover. Stay strong!

  2. Hey, Josh. Thanks for posting. I've been reading your blog as well and am glad at how things seem to be going for you there. Keep it up brother; it would be good to see you sometime. It's been a while! :)
