Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Manhattan Declaration - A Call of Christian Conscience...

In times of persecution, the churches of God thrive and grow. The pains of persecution sent into action the True Church into a renewed mindset deprived then of complacency and apathy for the lives which Christians are to live. From persecution, stands for that which is right and holy are made at the flogging post and from the fires of flesh burned at the stake, and from diaspora.

In times of persecution, transformation and reformation both occur as the dire straights of the world are produced upon those who would walk in meekness and humility before God.

In times of immorality, however it has caused men to write and declare and to stand for truth though the flicker of the flame grows dim in righteous living there are those who stand for God and His holiness. We are in that time again.

The Manhattan Declaration (which can be read here) is a declaration and a line drawn in the sand for those who would live rightly in these lasts days. The Manhattan Declaration has been written and is signed by 148 church leaders as a treatise affirming the Christian position against:
  1. Genocide of the Un-born
  2. Redefining Marriage
  3. Political Correctness - Barring the Freedom of Religion
This treatise is a call to civil disobedience.

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