Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas -- The Night Before...

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the... nah, over done!

I'm sitting here, late -- midnight actually -- Christmas morning, but until I go to sleep and wake up I count it still as the night before.

I'm thinking of my children, Caleb and Zeke nestled in their new Snuggies® their Mema and Papaw got for them for Christmas; and then Annsley and Madilyn snuggling up in their new fleece blankets (without arm holes), all of whom are anxiously awaiting Santa to come down our chimney (we have gas logs -- Santa implores real magic when coming down our chimney since he has to magically make one) and give them all they want and asked for on their severally revised lists. All are asleep with the exception of Caleb. He keeps coming in and checking out the situation. I showed him on NORAD that Santa is currently in Guaymas, Mexico with his next stop being in Tucson, AZ and that if he doesn't go to sleep Santa can't deliver the Christmas goodness to our house; so off he slinks, still in his Snuggie® to take on the barely winnable task of falling asleep on Christmas eve... the night before.

I, myself, introspectively consider why all the hub-bub. We plan and work for weeks to make the Christmas season, and especially Christmas day, memorable and in but a moment the day will be done, the money saved now spent, and boxes and bags of beautifully-torn (as it is an art form) wrapping paper sitting in a garbage heap awaiting the return of the sanitation department employees. And I ask myself, did we remember? Did I remember?

I remember the business. I remember the looks on their faces when they open their gifts; nothing is more precious than to see your children delighted and it being your fault -- but you can't take the credit as Santa did all the bringing! I remember the brief disappointment when the package they just uncovered was filled with socks and under wear. (Come on seriously?! Even if they need that stuff can't it wait for two days after Christmas when it's just a trip to Wal Mart?! Who are we parents trying to fool by making the undergrowth of the tree look bulkier... us or them?!) Oh, and for that one I blame Santa... he also brings our needs, not just our wants, right? But did I remember?

That question haunts me. Not because of the terrible sacrilege of giving gifts to the ones we love, but because it's a question that haunts me the night before every new day. Did I remember Him? Not just during the season of remembering such things, but do I remember Him each and every day? (No, not Santa... bigger, greater, holier than he.) Have I grown so accustomed to this city that's built with the hands of man that my once longing heart no longer longs to be with Him? Do I remember? Each day? Him?

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